I've been toying with the idea of recumbents ever since the day long rides from Bangalore to Savandurga would leave me sore in all parts. Surfing the net led me to recumbents. And I have been dreaming ever since of owning one. Done everything from write to bicycle manufacturers about them (well, ye, its hard to contain a giggle hearing that, considering how good our indian bicycle manufacturers are at actually communicating, for the record, i've never got a reply from *any* manufacturer), to start building a Short wheelbase (SWB) recumbent. But the attendant problems (Find a good fabricator, chain management and many others), meant that the bike never saw light of day.
Until now.
Yep, in may I surfed across to cruzbike. Never mind all the features , but what struck me first was that this is probably the easiest recumbent to home build. Cruzbike actually sells a kit that can convert a y-frame bike into a cruzbike, but at 400$ plus shipping and customs, I wonder how much that will turn out to be. Hence the decision to build.
In the next few posts I'll try to lay out what it takes to build a cruzbike.
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