Saturday, August 23, 2008

First cruzbike ride

First experience.

I woke up early one Tuesday morning and pushed the bike to a nearby parking lot to try and ride.I had taken the toolkit along as well, to fix any last minute issues.

Finally, sitting on the bike was a great feeling. It had taken almost 7 months to get to the final form after bike frame changes, seat changes and lots of other redesigns. However, try as I could , I could not pedal even one revolution. I kept falling over, and I found it quite difficult to push the ground from that position to gain any momentum. Finally, the top tube just popped out from the force of my feet on the pedals and the retaining nut broke. I was gutted, and felt it not worth the effort of all these months. So I pushed the bike back home and thought about what to do next.

Turns out the problems were not so serious. A little welding and fixing later,I was back at the parking lot early on Wednesday morning . Having set up the gears this time to make it easy, I got my wife to hold the bike so I didn't fall .I set off and after a few tries, sure enough, I was off. It took me a while to figure out how to ride it, considering the hands need to balance out the power from the feet.

Since then , I've since learned to ride on roads as well. The hardest part is all the attention that the bike draws. I have gotten better at riding with a straight face as if its just another day at the office. As usual its kids that are most excited, however adults of all shapes and sizes give a goofy grin when they see it. This on the small bylanes, I wonder how its going to be on the main roads with traffic .

I wouldn't have gotten this far without help from lots of people. Balu for the seat fabrication, Muneer for the cycle alignment, Vijay who fabricated a whole new bottom bracket from scratch and of course my wife for the support and encouragement ,given that I turned the living room literally into a cycle workshop for the past few months.


Abhijith Rao said...

Awesome that you saw it to completion Kiran! Cheers!

SL said...

Hey Kiran,

Kudos, that bike looks cool.. Hmmm.. not sure how much you can do at the traffic though, but still you can try out doing a lot in the parking lots though.. Great work.. would love to see it and probably take a ride sometime..


Anonymous said...

Nice work Kiran!

I had a completely different model in mind. I hope u'll be kind enough to let me test ride it.

And i guess, NOW i can come visit you.... ;-)

Herzlichen Glueckwunsch!

MEROPS said...

Damn cool!! am super impressed! :) Me tooo in line for a ride pleaseee.. mainly to get the feel of the difference!
And also.. nice to see you blogging! Keep on peddling and posting!

vijay said...

Karkera.. thats awesome!! Bike looks great. Glad you could complete it...even more because you gave proof that it is rideable :). btw, where does Manju sit? ah! I get it ... nice design dude! ;)
Please also blog the adventurous rides on airport road, mg road, in front of the schools, etc.

I think ur next project (in few yrs time) will be ... tri-cycle? :p

Ravi said...

Hi KK,
I am Ravi from Ride-A-Cycle foundation. I am really inpressed by the way you have taken us and have done it yourself. Would it be possible to share more info about it on this. Would be very interested in meeting you once. Please reply to me at
Thanks and Regards,

Shree Kumar said...

Good Job ! More comments after I read more of this site...

Unknown said...

Hi Shree,
Thanks! I followed your east-to-west trip while it was on. I like your focus on bike touring :)
